In the beginning you have that permanent smile. The one that no one, no matter what can turn off. You have that innate desire to always be around that person, just to be in their presence is enough. The butterflies, the giddiness. Its a great feeling.
And then it's not new, its just great. Your learning so much about each other, and learning if you want to be with that person forever. Your learning their quirks, and actually enjoy them, you think they are cute and create such a personality.
Then, it just seems like another day. This person has been with you for awhile, and the "new-ness" has worn off. So how do you keep it going? Growing? How do you not get bored with each other and get annoyed with their idiosyncrasies?
This is a post, I don't have an answer to. Hopefully the answer is, when it's real love, you just do it. It just works. But, honestly, I don't think it just is. I think it's work. It can be really hard. But how do we get past the hard stage? I could use some direction. Although, I'm not sure there is true direction, other then plow through it with a strong heart and the same desire you had in the beginning.
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